By Way of Conclusion... or Not

Throughout this exhibit you have witnessed how Wadleigh High School students experienced a traumatic but transcendental historical event--World War II.

Imagination played a key part in this process: through it, students not only traveled across time and space but expressed their concerns, fears and hopes regarding the world in which they were living. Expressing this 'historical imagination' was a way of making this world their own, and of becoming aware of the history they were a part of and the active role they had in it.


But this has been only a sample of Wadleigh students' 'historical imagination.' Many others characters, events and processes paraded through the pages of The Owl during these years. By way of conclusion we actually invite you not to conclude, but to dive in the 'repositories of historical imagination' these yearbooks are and to see the world - an imagined, but also so real world - with the eyes of a group of high school girls from Harlem…


By Way of Conclusion... or Not